Goal of this game: The player's task is to destroy all alarm sensors in a particular location and collect all memory storage. This opens the passage to the next stage of the game.
Control: The player moves around the board by pressing the arrow keys:


The walls which reflects laser beam
Alarm sensors
Polished steel blocks (reflects laser beam)
Rusted steel blocks (absorb laser beam)
Memory storage. Allow you to reactivate damaged laser emiter (red blinking).
(or opening exit if player collects all of them)
Laser beam emitter
Level exit (closed / opened)
Explosive mine.
If the laser beam hits the mine it will damage the emitter.
You can fix it by collecting Memory storage.
Be quick, because you have a limited time to fix it.
Please make sure to leave yourself Memory storage just in case, and collect them at the end.
Fiber tip.
The laser beam falling into one of the fiber is output in a different part of the board. Remember that the angle at which the laser gets in is important in some boards.
Laser Wall.
Can be turned off by targeting the laser beam on the switch with the same color.
Violet laser wall switch.
If the board have a many switches of the same color, all of them must be illuminated by laser beam to turn off the wall.


ORDER: XL 859556/V/90

  1. Take control of the remote-controlled, self-propelled tracked vehicle K9 with the arrow keys.


  2. Steer the vehicle from the control center to take over Memory storage banks deployed in enemy territory

  3. Destroy alarm sensors by the laser beam

  4. In a hopeless situation, reset the connection to the vehicle. It will return to the starting position

  5. During the task, pay special attention to the:
The walls which reflects laser beam
Alarm sensors
Polished steel blocks (reflects laser beam)
Rusted steel blocks (absorb laser beam)
Memory storage. Allow you to reactivate damaged laser emiter (red blinking).
(or opening exit if player collects all of them)
Laser beam emitter
Level exit (closed / opened)
Explosive mine.
If the laser beam hits the mine it will damage the emitter.
You can fix it by collecting Memory storage.
Be quick, because you have a limited time to fix it.
Please make sure to leave yourself Memory storage just in case, and collect them at the end.
Fiber tip.
The laser beam falling into one of the fiber is output in a different part of the board. Remember that the angle at which the laser gets in is important in some boards.
Laser Wall.
Can be turned off by targeting the laser beam on the switch with the same color.
Violet laser wall switch.
If the board have a many switches of the same color, all of them must be illuminated by laser beam to turn off the wall.